Why Do My Twist Curl Up? (Reason & Solution)

Why Do My Twist Curl Up

If you’ve ever attempted to twist your hair and ended up with curls rather than straight twists, you might be wondering why this happens and how to avoid it.

The texture of your hair, the amount of hair in each section, the products you use, and the way you twist your hair are all factors that can influence how your twists turn out.

In this article, we’ll talk about various reason for why your twist is curling up and give you solution for this. So, keep reading.

Why Do My Twist Curl Up?

Elastic Nature of Hair

One of the most important factors influencing how your twists curl up is the texture of your hair.

Because your hair has more elasticity and springiness if it is naturally curly or wavy, your twists are more likely to curl up.

This means that after being stretched or twisted, your hair tends to return to its original shape.

If you have straight or relaxed hair, your twists will hang straighter because your hair has less elasticity and springiness. This means that your hair will tend to stay in the shape you give it.

Twist Made of Small Chunk

The amount of hair in each section also has an impact on how your twists curl.

The curls will be looser if you use more hair in each twist. In other words, a thick twist made of two large chunks of hair will result in looser curls than a skinny twist made of two small chunks of hair.

So, use larger sections of hair and twist them loosely if you want your twists to hang straight.

Use of Wrong Hair Product

The products you use can also have an impact on how your twists curl.

Your twists are more likely to curl up if you use products that add moisture, hold, or texture to your hair, such as curling mousse, holding spray, or sea salt spray, because these products enhance your hair’s natural curl pattern.

If you want your twists to hang straight, use lightweight products that don’t add too much moisture or hold to your hair, such as a leave-in conditioner, oil, or pomade.

Direction of Twisting Hair

The way you twist your hair can also influence how your twists curl.

Because this direction follows the natural curve of your head, twisting your hair away from your face causes your twists to curl up more.

Because twisting your hair towards your face goes against the natural curve of your head, your twists are more likely to hang straight.

Furthermore, tight twisting your hair increases the likelihood of your twists curling up because it creates more tension and friction in your hair.

Because there is less tension and friction in your hair when you twist it loosely, your twists are more likely to hang straight.

Why End of Twist Keep Unraveling?

One reason could be that the hair is too dry or damaged, making it difficult to hold the twist.

Another possibility is that the hair is not tightly twisted enough, or that the twist is not secured with a rubber band, clip, or bobby pin.

A third reason is that the hair is subjected to excessive friction, moisture, or heat, which can cause the twist to loosen.

It is critical to moisturize and condition the hair on a regular basis, twist the hair firmly and evenly, and protect the hair from external factors that can cause it to unravel.


Finally, hair texture, section size, product choice, and twisting direction are all factors that contribute to twists curling up.

Understanding these variables and making the necessary adjustments can aid in achieving the desired straight or curled twist results.

Tailoring your approach to your hair’s specific characteristics will result in the desired result.

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