Why is Pubic Hair Curly? (Real Reason)

Why is Pubic Hair Curly

In a world full of questions about our bodies, one that stands out for many is, “Why is pubic hair curly?”

It’s a query that has left many perplexed, scratching their heads (no pun intended), in search of an answer.

While hair textures vary from individual to individual, pubic hair tends to have a universal characteristic: it’s curly.

In this blog post, we will explore this topic in depth, providing you with science-backed information to answer this intriguing question.

Why is Pubic Hair Curly?

Firstly, it’s important to understand the structure of hair.

Each strand of hair on our body grows from a hair follicle, which is a tiny organ located in our skin. In contrast to straight hair, curly hair has an asymmetrical shape.

This means that one side of the hair is flatter than the other, causing the strand to curl or kink as it grows. However, what’s more fascinating is how this asymmetrical shape comes to be.

The follicle shape plays a significant role in determining the shape of the hair. Oval or asymmetrical follicles typically produce curly or wavy hair, whereas round follicles produce straight hair.

Furthermore, the positioning of the follicle in the skin also influences the hair’s direction of growth and its curliness.

Read Also: Why some pubic hairs are straight?

Why is Pubic Hair Different?

Next, let’s delve into why pubic hair is different. Hair changes throughout our lives due to hormonal shifts.

In particular, puberty introduces new hair growth in various regions of our bodies, including the pubic area. This hair is known as androgenic hair and is influenced by androgens, a type of hormone.

It is important to note that androgenic hair is structurally different from the hair on our heads or the rest of our bodies.

This hair tends to be coarser and curlier because the follicles are shaped differently and are located deeper within the skin.

The curls in pubic hair serve a purpose too; they help in trapping pheromones, the subtle scents that make you attractive to others.

Genetics and Ethnicity

The degree of curliness in pubic hair can also be influenced by genetics and ethnicity. Just like the hair on our heads, pubic hair can vary from loose curls to tight coils based on our genetic makeup.

Ethnicities with naturally curly or coily head hair often have more tightly coiled pubic hair.

This is all down to the types of proteins, specifically keratin, that our bodies produce and the structure they form in our hair.


In conclusion, the mystery behind the curly nature of pubic hair is an interesting blend of biology, genetics, and hormones.

It’s a clear demonstration of our bodies’ complexity and the roles that even seemingly insignificant aspects of our anatomy play in the bigger picture.

So, next time you ponder about your curly pubic hair, remember it’s just your body working its wonders in its unique and fascinating ways.

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