Why Do Natives Americans Have No Body Hair? (Explained)

man wearing headdress

Have you ever wondered why native people appear to have less body hair? It’s a question that has baffled many, sparking curiosity and discussions around the world.

This blog post aims to reasons why some ethnic groups, often referred to as ‘natives,’ have minimal body hair compared to others.

Why Do Natives Have No Body Hair?

Why Do Natives Have No Body Hair?

Before we begin, it’s important to clarify that the idea of ‘natives’ having no body hair isn’t entirely accurate. Instead, the disparity lies in the fact that different populations have varying levels of visible body hair.

Indeed, the amount of body hair any given person has is largely influenced by genetics and evolutionary factors.

But why, you may ask, do these genetic differences exist? As we delve into this, we can turn to the theory of evolution for some possible answers.

Some experts believe that our ancestors had a significant amount of body hair for warmth and protection. However, as humans evolved and started to wear clothing, the need for body hair lessened.

Moreover, the climate of the region where a population originated can also impact body hair distribution and thickness.

For instance, groups native to warmer climates might have evolved to have less body hair to help with heat dissipation. Conversely, populations from colder regions might have more body hair for warmth.

The Role of Genetics in Body Hair Distribution

Next, let’s dive into the role of genetics in body hair distribution. Our genes play an undeniable role in determining our physical characteristics, including hair type and distribution.

The exact genetic mechanisms behind body hair distribution are complex and not yet fully understood. Yet, we know that variations in certain genes between populations can influence the amount and type of body hair an individual may have.

In particular, one gene of interest is the EDAR gene, often referred to as the ‘East Asian hair gene.’ Variations in this gene are believed to lead to thicker hair shafts but fewer sweat glands and less body hair. Therefore, populations with these gene variants, such as East Asians, often have less body hair.

Furthermore, hormonal factors also influence body hair.

Testosterone, for instance, promotes hair growth, explaining why males typically have more body hair than females. Again, genetic factors influence these hormonal levels and their effects on body hair.


In conclusion, the question of why native populations have less body hair can be attributed to a complex interplay of evolutionary factors, climatic adaptations, and genetic variations.

While it is a topic that is still being researched, it’s clear that the differences in body hair across populations are a testament to the remarkable diversity and adaptability of the human species.

Remember, these differences are not indicators of superiority or inferiority but simply markers of the vast genetic variation within our species.

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