Why Are Some Of My Hair Strands Crinkly? (Reasons And Solution)

Why Are Some Of My Hair Strands Crinkly

Ever had one of those moments where you’re combing your fingers through your hair, and you come across a few strands that feel different?

If your hair strands feel bumpy, coarse, or uneven to the touch, they’re likely crinkly.

And it can be downright frustrating when you’re trying to achieve smooth, shiny locks. This blog post will walk you through why some of your hair strands might feel different and provide solutions to get them back in line with the rest.

Quick Answer: Here are the reason why hair strands are Crinkly

  • Dryness
  • Heat damage from styling tools
  • Split ends
  • Using the wrong products
  • Not detangling properly after washing
  • Overusing hair dye
  • High exposure to UV rays
  • Chemical damage
  • Hair that grows at an angle out of the follicle

Why Are Some Of My Hair Strands Crinkly?

There’s a bunch of reasons why your hair strands may be crinkly.

One common cause is heat damage from styling tools. Using hair straighteners, curling irons, or even blow dryers excessively or without heat protection can make your hair strands brittle and crinkled.

Another offender could be split ends. These are often a result of over-styling, rough combing, or lack of trimming.

Too much shampooing or using the wrong hair products can strip your hair of its natural oils, leading to dry, crinkly strands.

Not detangling your hair properly after washing or overusing hair dye can cause similar problems. Let’s not forget high exposure to UV rays, which can harm your hair just like it does your skin.

If you’ve been using a lot of chemical treatments like perms or relaxers, your hair might show signs of damage by turning crinkly. Lastly, your diet might be playing a part too. Nutritional deficiencies can leave your hair lacking in health, turning it crinkly over time.

How to Diagnose Crinkly Hair Strands?

Well, the diagnosis part is simple. If your hair strands feel bumpy, coarse, or uneven to the touch, they’re likely crinkly.

A closer inspection might reveal that they look different from the rest of your hair, appearing dry, damaged, or broken.

Solutions for Crinkly Hair Strands

Don’t worry, though. There are solutions available.

Firstly, cutting down on heat styling, using a heat protectant, and giving your hair a break can help.

Regular trims will keep those split ends at bay. Try to shampoo less frequently, use products suited to your hair type, and always detangle gently after washing.

Limit hair dye use and protect your hair from the sun whenever possible. If chemical treatments are the culprit, giving your hair a break from them would be beneficial. And don’t forget to eat a balanced diet for overall hair health.

Why Are Some Of My Hair Strands Bumpy or Coarse?

Some hair strands might be bumpy or coarse due to reasons similar to those causing crinkly strands.

They might also be more noticeable if you have different hair textures on your head, which is not uncommon. Some of your hair strands might naturally be thicker and curlier than others.


To sum up, your hair strands might feel crinkly, bumpy, or coarse due to a variety of reasons – from heat damage and over-styling to nutritional deficiencies.

Understanding these causes is the first step to addressing the issue. Implementing a healthy hair care routine, using the right products, and taking care of your diet can help bring your hair back to its best health.


Why are some of my hair strands textured?

Your hair’s texture is determined by your genes, and it’s completely normal to have a mix of different textures. Environmental factors, lifestyle habits, and the products you use can also affect your hair’s texture.

Why do my hair strands look crimped?

Your hair might appear crimped due to heat damage, over-styling, or using harsh hair products. Regular hydration, minimal heat styling, and gentle hair products can help tackle this issue.

Why is my hair strand not smooth?

A lack of moisture, excessive heat styling, or using the wrong hair products can cause your hair strands to lose their smoothness. A hydrating hair care routine and cutting back on heat styling can restore smoothness.

Does hair texture change every 7 years?

Yes, hair texture can change over time due to factors like hormonal changes, stress, and aging. However, the 7-year mark is not set in stone and can vary from person to person.

Does cutting hair change texture?

Not really. While cutting hair can remove damaged ends, making your hair feel healthier and thicker, it doesn’t alter the actual texture of your hair.

Why is my hair crunchy when it dries?

If your hair feels crunchy after drying, it might be due to a lack of moisture, overuse of styling products, or heat damage. Try using a leave-in conditioner or a hydrating mask to combat dryness.

How do you fix wiry hair?

A deep conditioning treatment, regular hair oil massages, and using sulfate-free shampoos can help manage wiry hair. Don’t forget a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals for overall hair health.

Why are some hair strands thick and wiry?

Some hair strands can be naturally thicker than others due to genetic factors. However, if previously smooth strands turn wiry, it could be due to damage or age.

Can straight hair turn curly?

Yes, changes in hormones, stress, and certain medications can alter your hair texture. However, such changes are not common.

Can stress change your hair texture?

Yes, prolonged periods of stress can impact your hair’s texture and overall health. It’s crucial to manage stress effectively for your hair and overall well-being.
Remember, hair textures can vary widely, and what’s most important is to understand and care for your unique hair type. Love your locks, crinkly or smooth, and they’ll love you back.

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