Front Of Hair Shorter Than Back: Here’s the Reason

Front Of Hair Shorter Than Back

Ever wondered why the hair at the front of your head tends to be shorter than the hair at the back?

It’s not just about how you style or cut your hair – there’s a scientific explanation behind this phenomenon.

Let’s delve into the factors influencing hair growth and how they vary between the front and back of your scalp.

Reason Why Front Of Hair Shorter Than Back

Numerous factors come into play when it comes to hair growth, including genetics, hormonal balance, nutrition, stress, and age.

These factors affect different areas of the scalp to varying degrees, leading to uneven hair growth.

For instance, the hairline at the front of your head is more sensitive to androgens, which are male hormones known for their potential to cause hair loss or thinning.

Conversely, the hairline at the back of your head tends to be more resistant to androgens, often retaining more hair follicles.

The shape and size of hair follicles also play a crucial role in determining hair growth patterns.

Hair follicles, small structures responsible for producing hair shafts, come in various shapes and sizes depending on their location on the scalp.

Those at the front of the head tend to be smaller and rounder, resulting in finer and weaker hair shafts.

In contrast, follicles at the back of the head are typically larger and oval-shaped, resulting in thicker and stronger hair shafts.

Furthermore, the shape and size of hair follicles influence the angle at which hair grows out of the scalp. Hair at the front grows at a sharper angle, making it more susceptible to damage from friction, heat, or chemicals.

On the other hand, hair at the back grows at a flatter angle, making it more resilient and less prone to splitting or fraying.

So, what can you do to promote longer and healthier hair at the front? Here are some tips:

  • Avoid excessive styling and processing: Overdoing it can weaken your front hair and lead to breakage.
  • Choose appropriate hair products: Use gentle products suitable for your hair type and condition.
  • Provide nourishment: Moisturize and nourish your front hair with oils, masks, or treatments that repair damage and stimulate growth.
  • Regular trims: Trim your front hair regularly to eliminate split ends and encourage healthy growth.
  • Scalp massages: Boost blood circulation and deliver nutrients to your hair follicles by massaging your scalp with fingertips or a brush.
  • Balanced diet: Consume a diet rich in protein, iron, zinc, biotin, and other essential vitamins and minerals that support hair growth.
  • Seek professional advice: If you suspect underlying medical conditions or hormonal imbalances affecting your hair growth, consult a dermatologist or trichologist.

Remember, the length disparity between your front and back hair is due to biological differences in your scalp and hair follicles. It’s entirely natural, so don’t be concerned.

However, if you wish to enhance the appearance and health of your front hair, these tips can help you achieve noticeable improvements over time.

Read Also: Reason for uneven thickness of hair strand


To sum it up, your front hair being shorter than the back is because of how your body works. It’s natural and nothing to worry about.

If you want your front hair to look better, take good care of it by avoiding too much styling, using the right products, and eating healthy. If you have concerns, talk to a hair expert.

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